Casola (MS)

 This was found walled as ornamentation of an antique basin inside a garden in the locality of Reusa. It is probably the most recent of the Lunigiana series and is now almost entirely a statue and not much of a stelae.
It has been abrased by atmospheric elements but in all cases the essential traits of the face are still visible, namely a nose, mouth and ears.
As in the Bigliolo example, it has a barely outlined neck and a greatly curved clavicular line. Only the forearms can be distinguished well and the weaponry consists of an axe with a quadrangular blade, and a disk. The belt continues even to the back and a small loincloth can be glimpsed in the lower part as well.

The disk of REUSA

Still on the back, some lines are apparent, one verticalthat represents the dorsal spine and two obliquethat probably consist of a representationof some type of shoulder protection.


The Last Use